mercoledì 13 aprile 2011

Etimologia/Etymology(English Language)


Autoveicolo: (Italiano-cliccare sulla parola-);
Motor Vehicle:(English)
"a medium through which a engine is administered," also "any means of conveying or transmitting," from Fr. véhicule, from L. vehiculum "means of transport, a vehicle," from vehere "to carry," from PIE *wegh- "to go, transport in a vehicle" (cf. O.E. wegan "to carry;" O.N. vegr, O.H.G. weg "way;" M.Du. wagen "wagon;" see wagon). Sense of "cart or other conveyance" first recorded 1650s.From "motor":mid-15c., from L. motor, lit. "mover," from movere "to move" (see move). From 15c. as "controller, prime mover" (in reference to God); sense of "agent or force that produces mechanical motion" is first recorded 1660s; that of "machine that supplies motive power" is from 1856. With explosive use 20c. as a comb. form of motor-car (1895). Motor-boat is from 1902. First record of slang motor-mouth "fast-talking person" is from 1971.

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